What You Don’t Know About Website Hosting and Why It’s Hurting Your Business

What You Don’t Know About Website Hosting

How often do you think about your website’s hosting plan? Most people don’t think about it at all, until they realize they aren’t getting calls or new visitors because their site is down. In a time when it can be critical for a company to be online to showcase their business and drive sales, one of the worst things you can do is neglect website hosting and maintenance.

The time of generating most of your sales from face-to-face interactions or through print advertising has passed. Now more than ever, it is especially important that everything on your website works smoothly so that customers can find you online. This means that you need a site that isn’t constantly causing errors. You also need to ensure that your site has working links, a good-looking display across all browsers, and an overall flawless user experience.

Your website goes a long way to showcase your brand online. It attracts all kinds of audiences, from those who are just browsing for information about your industry to new or returning customers. Your website may be the first thing prospects see, and it is also one of the biggest opportunities to earn their trust. If users see a website that doesn’t look professional, goes down, or doesn’t work at all, they’re not going to come out of the experience with a favorable opinion of your brand, if they even remember it at all. That’s why you should always have professional help with your website’s hosting and maintenance.

The Basics of Website Hosting

Quality hosting ensures that your website runs largely problem-free, with minimal downtime, bugs, or errors. A reputable website hosting company will also ensure that your site is secure for all users. This means that your website will be less susceptible to hacks, viruses, and malware. Your customers will feel safe using your website if it has encryption measures that protect transactions and forms that require sensitive information. Your web hosting company should also back up your website so that you don’t lose important information in the case of a hack or server crash.

If something happens to your site, your hosting company should provide you with impeccable customer service – meaning that they are easy to reach, can explain what went wrong, and how they will fix the problem quickly. If your website is offline for a few days, you risk losing out on valuable conversions and sales.

Some companies offer website support bundled with their hosting services – a great deal for website owners who do not have the time or knowledge to perform fixes themselves. These types of services often give customers access to working support hours from a development team, so that you may request changes to your site or report issues with its functionality. It’s a wonderful idea to have knowledgeable reps that help your site perform at its best!

How To Tell If Your Site Needs A Hosting Upgrade

Data from major search engines and leaders in the website industry agree – your website must load quickly and work as intended, giving users a great browsing experience. If your website looks “old,” or has bugs or errors (like menus that don’t pop up, broken links, or parts that don’t load), the client is likely to click away within just fifteen seconds. Speed is another huge factor in making sure users stay on your site, so they can access the information they need to answer questions or solve their problems. If your website is down, you don’t even have those 15 seconds to make a lasting impression.

If you’re experiencing any issues with your website’s loading speed and functionality or dealing with a site that isn’t working at all, then it is vital to invest in professional services that can provide you with the quality web hosting and support you need. If you’re looking to improve your website’s quality or performance, our team is ready to help.

Contact us today for more information