Rizwan Chaudhry

Rizwan has a high proficiency in server side coding, with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Starting in 2011 as a junior developer, and progressing to development team leader, he has created and maintained over 100+ different websites. The list of skills he has gained or improved on in this role is extensive; PHP , MySQL, XHTML (Strict – W3C Validating), CSS, JavaScript (with Progressive Enhancement), jQuery, XML (including manipulation of RSS feeds), APIs (such as Google Maps).

In his current position as Project Manager, Rizwan oversees development of new websites, coordinating the workflow with clients and the developers.

Rizwan is passionate about exploring the boundaries of website development, which he feels leads him to success in a variety of applications that are suited to most every business field.

On the weekends, when not coding, he spends time with his family and friends.